Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Yay For Holidays!

My social suicide of a semester offcially ended last Saturday at 10am (I hate 8am exams yet two of my three took place during that time slot ugh.) but I needed a couple of days to recouperate and laze around the house doing absolutely nothing :) Most of my Christmas shopping is done and my tiny litle Christmas tree is absolutely SMOTHERED with presents you can hardly see the poor tree beneath all the bows and ribbons of wrapped presents.

Holidays call for holiday baking ~ Today I will attempt to mix up a batch of Egg Nog cupcake but whether or not they will turn out well is really a toss of a coin, I have such miserable luck when it comes with baking at home I seriously think I'm cursed.

Which explains my first attempt ever at making my own macarons, I refuse to travel all the way to Nectars to pay 12 dollars for 6 macarons (but after the catastrophe on Monday, the option is practically begging me) I do love my macarons and after much googling, youtubing and blog-obsessing I thought I had mustered enough confidence and tips on making these delicious treats to carry me through. Okay, so they didn't turn out THAT bad, I had optd for pink macarons with white chocolate fillings and I may have somehow..ahem..made a mistake measuring the almond four...since I didn't have any I had to make my own from blanched, sliced almonds. I will try you again one day macarons, probably sometime next week.

I really wish my piping bags will turn up somewhere around the house...

Anyway I hope my cupcakes turn out :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bad Decisions

It's 8:10 (I pursuaded myself to blog for 5 minutes before cracking open the books), I have two finals that I've barely touched base on and did I mention they're both a day away? But somehow I've justified it with myself that it's okay if I do an avocado hair mask tonight because my hair needs it. :) I justify a lot of bad decisions in the same manner.

Lately hair care has been a top top priority for me, especially now that I've convinced myself that I'm balding (or just an extremely, extremely heavy shedd-er(???) ew. ) So I've purchased one of the Marc Anthony straight hair/heat/protective products (you have to look really carefully...some are heat tools mist which merely give you shine, some are straightening sprays to facilitate straighter results...) which I apply to the roots of my hair section by section before straightening. I've used this three times now and it's working pretty well, but I learned the hard way that A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY.

Anyhow, my new obsession with haircare is what leads me to smelling and looking like someone who has tragically lost a food fight involving lots of avocado, egg yolk and olive oil. Credits to bubzbeauty@youtube for the recipe and tutorial. This is my second time and I find it makes my hair a lot softer, gives it more shine, anddd makes my hair feel a lot stronger. After perming my hair twice, chemically straightening it once and all the times I've dyed my really left me picking at straws. Literally.

I'm trying to change hair! Forgive me, I'm trying to make up for the lack of nutrients.

Sunday, December 6, 2009



"Sometimes you climb out of bed in the mornng and you think, I'm not going to make it, but you laugh inside - remembering all the times you felt that way." - Charles Bukowski
- - -
I am utterly disgusted with my behavior trailing behind like a shameful existence all Fall term long. School should not be an excuse for my flaring tempers and irrational actions, I'm sorry I had to put you through that. Constant streams of assignments, papers, quizes, more papers, with taunting and snide feedback has pulled my patience (if any) taut an left me nothing better than a ticking time bomb.
I am seriously burned out by homework for this semester, I feel like all I know how to do is sit in front of my laptop and tap away paper after paper. Yet, each time I open a blank document I feel incompetent to fill it in.
One.Last.Paper. I'm only 2 pages into 10.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Snow Snow Snow

I'm terrible at remember where I retrieved my pictures form :(

"If it can be broke

then It can be fixed

If it can be fused

then It can be split

It's all under control

If it can be lost

then It can be won

If it can be touched

then It can be turned

All you need is time."
Song of the day: The Pioneers - Tunng
Bloc Party has a version of this too but I find Tunng's version much more appropriate especially on a dreary day like today. Funny, despite the gloomy overcast I feel oddly at peace and cheery looking out the windows of ict at the crowds walking under the snow. I can't make out their facial expressions but a smile seems fitting.
P.s. I apologize for the craziness in my last entry LOL needless to say I will not be getting my vaccine until a later date. (Most likely after exams)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Social Pressure

"The queston in ife is not whether you get knocked down. You will. The question is, are you ready to get up and fight for what you believe in." - Dan Quayle
- --
What is up with the social pressure on getting the H1N1 vaccine? People are honestly over their minds about this whole ordeal, I really think individuals are entitled to what should and shoul not be entering their bloodsteams. I never thought the day would come that I would need to get this stupid shot because as far as anyone I've spoken to about this, I am quite the anti. But I am apparently getting the vaccine tomorrow at 7pm (I honestly hope something drastic happens clini so we can't get the vaccine.) and the ONLY reason why I am even doing this is because of our travel plans in may because apparently when you enter another country they will check whether you have gotten the vaccine or not and if not, you will be charged $60US to recieve one.
So it's a die-die situation. If this is even true. I was just discussing this earlier on with my sister about how everyone is rushing to get this vaccine when the side effects aren't for sure determined, and when it honestly feels like they're only using us as lab rats. When did they become so smart to invent a prevention vaccine in half a years time?
Ugh. If I should die from this I blame society.
I recieved a ridiculous e-mail from my dean titled "Can you afford to be sick for the exams?" To that I say, I positively CAN NOT afford to be sick FROM the shot during the next 3 weeks. I skimmed the e-mail and thought HOW RIDICULOUS that he has to resort to threats "It's out there wating for you." Thanks bud, but A HELL OF A LOT OF THINGS are out there waiting for us.
I'm only doing this for Korea and Hk.
Anyway, I apologize for the angry blog content. I should really start writing my essay which is due tomorrow (well I'm telling myself that) so I can start my assignment 4 for the triangle lady, prepare for my final grou presentation for triangle lady on Monday, start my term paper (30%) which is due monday, another exam on the last day of school. And then 3 days grace to sudy for two finals which happily land on the same, jolly Friday.
mmmm school. Doncha love it.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

2 More Weeks!

there is something beautiful about this picture..

"We don't wish for the easy stuff. We wish for big things. Things that are ambitious, out of reach. We wish because we need help and we're scared and we know we may be asking too much. We still wish though, because sometimes they come true." - Grey's Anatomy

- - -
I've grown a lot, I've matured a lot, I have liberated all the things that used to be bundled, tied-up, and weighed like stones in my stomache. Thanks to you, thank you for showing me the way out and encouraging me to be the person that have always been struggling inside of me to show itself.
Now, I live by 'living in the moment' because that's all you really have. This moment. Yesterday was but a dream and today becomes tomorrows memory. Don't let your moment slip by.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hello, Grow Up Society

(2 Posts in one day, and watching perez hilton videos only mean one thing, I have already surpassed the "oh-my-god-I'm-so-stressed" stage, yep I have just another 8 page essay due tmrw of which I've written 1 page of. So?)

I applaud Adam's courage and confidence to speak up for himself and NOT lower his head and apologize, because he honestly did nothing wrong. A performance is a performance, an artist can do what they wish with their artistic creativity to entertain. Who do they entertain? They entertain creeps like YOU interviewing lady. Holy, the jist of the entire interview was "DO YOU CARE ABOUT THE CHILDREN?" "DO YOU ADMIT YOU WERE CARRIED AWAY?" "NO REALLY DO YOU ADMIT YOU GOT CARRIED AWAY?" "AND THE CHILDREN?"

Crazy interviewing lady, why are your children still awake during the wee hours of the night? If this was on BARNEY and this happened, then I would understand. But I would assume the audience during that time frame to be mature enough to handle a less than 20 second kiss?

The fact that they censored the kiss in the interview just throws this entire thing over board. Give me a break lady. There are FAR, FAR more atrocious things in life that we SHOULD censor like the drawstring napsack, the fact that people think wearing Ed Hardy is fashionable, but no seriously, the fact that some couples nearly concieve a child on public transit during a commute to school is more "normal" than two boys kissing just eludes me.

Bravo Adam, you indeed am NOT a baby-sitter.

Take Hold

The Red Balloon: "When a dream takes hold of you, what can you do? You can run with it, let it run your life, or let it go and think for the rest of your life about what might have been."
- - -
Summer, come back already I'm beginning to miss the green grass, cool breeze, OD-ing on Avenue Diner&Buffalo Cafe, dinners at Vero, beef carpaccio with summer truffles at Blink, a trio of creme brulee at Tribune, fresh oysters at Sushi Club, chirashi don at Wa's, takoyaki at Shikijye, mussels at Cilantro....all of my favorite food adventures. Maybe I'll post pictures in a later post.

I miss summer food dearly, now I have to settle for MacHall delicacies.

Summer, I miss green grass park picnics, weekly movies, contributing to the growing obesesity in the duck population at the park, photography days (must buy 120mm film for the coming summer)

Anyhow, am writing back in reality and it's time to continue writing about Women and Religion! Yay for essays.

P.S. I need a soy red tea latte. nom nom.

&&Until Next Time

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

For the Love of Coffee

I'm an angry barista : ) who values her every drink to be made with velvet-like and dense microfoam because I refuse to pay $5 for a burnt, soapy-bubble latte. I really wish I had a red espresso machine with an amazing steam wand. We can only hope : )
On an entirely different note, I would like to confess one of my biggest fashion irks. The Drawstring Napsack. Otherwise known (according to Me) as the portable trashcan made into an accessory. I seriously, seriously, do not understand the reason for a flimsy, fabricated embryo to put your stuff in? You might as well string the top of a garbage bag and don it over your shoulder.
Save your money buying more of these, and purchase yourself a REAL backpack.
&&Until Next Time.

Monday, November 23, 2009

For the Love of Shoes...

Fashion Law:

If the shoe fits, it's ugly - Unknown Author

And I can't agree more. I simply can't deny a pair of shoes, flats, Docs,boots, Nikes (Hell, I buy them even if I don't have a single article of clothes that goes with it, I'll MAKE something work). I bought 5 pairs of shoes on a 5 day trip to Vegas alone. I can't resist shoes. But then again, I can't resist a lot of things that can be worn. Like I've always said, it's not until you've shed your own blood into your shoe that it abides by you. All of the shoes that I adore now began as painful experiences but I never turn away from the pain. Instead I'll lace up that same hell-giving pair of Docs again the very next day
until they now fit comfortably. It wouldn't hurt to also add the pragmatic aspects such as their great potential as a DEFENSIVE tactics (I once slightly raised my Docs against the back of a friend's ankle and I swear their eyes teared up.) A similar experience happened today when I accidentaly kicked my inner ankle with my right oxford (How is that even possible?) and left a cut. Most of the bruises on my legs are from clothes one way or most recent (and most pathetic) battle wound lies on my right shin when I ran into the side of a GIGANTIC stone bowl of pebbles in Anthropologie due to my over-excitement. Oh, did I mention face first?

If happiness is a journey, what would be a better companion than a pair of good shoes?

&&Until Next

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I've Been Meaning to Write

About Me: "This life is yours. Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well. Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature. Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly. Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you. Take the power to make your life happy." - Susan Polis Schutz
Welcome to my humble home of thoughts, music, current obsessions, food and more food.
How is Sunday treating you all? I have enjoyed a productive afternoon, slowly, but surely working through my pile of deadlines.
Below is what I have on my platter:
WED: Human Subject Research data analysis report, minimum of 1000 words, sitting at 1948 words
THUR: GNST300 Asgnt 2 paper, worth 15%, require 1750-2000 words, currently sitting at 0
Religion paper (religion class scares the shit out of me), worth 30%, require 2500 words, currenttly sitting 0
FRI: Coms435 Exam 2, need to study 15 powerpoint (lectures I did not show up to)
I hope this post reaches you well && Until next time.