Sunday, March 7, 2010


Calgary's sunny weather has me anticipating for SUMMER! The word itself fills me with excitement, picnics and adventures! This weather has put me in such a good mood and woke me up from the groggy wintry days. Summer time makes me realize that I just want to be happy, live simply it's sort of exfoliating regime.

I have finally found where my priorities lie and what makes me happy and what doesn't. Thank you all :) It's nice to know people care.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I love e-mails from desperate students

Amidst studying for geology (almost done might I add), I found this piece of happiness in my inbox:

Bennett Edward Yuk Fitzgibbon,

Ridiculous, What the heck do you think you are ? Because of your freaking stupid situation, the whole class has to change the date. We all study very hard for the midterm, and you go for a beer, then we have to change the date for you ?

Man, you need to grow up more and stop being childish. I don't care which team you like. The fact that you might get drunk is your PERSONAL SITUATION, and if you can't function due to the beer, then find another day for a drink, understand ? Idiot.

--- On Sun, 2/7/10, Bennett Edward Yuk Fitzgibbon wrote:

> From: Bennett Edward Yuk Fitzgibbon
> Subject: midterm/superbowl: W2010GLGY307L01
> To:
> Received: Sunday, February 7, 2010, 7:40 PM
> Hi I just wanted to express my concerns
> about having the mid-term on Monday, the day right after the
> super bowl. We as a class had the opportunity to vote for
> our mid-term date and i believe we should have taken more
> consideration on the decision. I am a huge New Orleans fan
> and I have planned a party with family and friends for a
> while. Needless to say there is drinking during the super
> bowl and I am probably not going to be at my full potential
> tomorrow. If it be ok and everyone understands with my
> dilemma and it would not be a huge deal, it would be greatly
> appreciated if we could e-mail our professor and change the
> mid-term to Wednesday.
> Thank you have a great Sunday,
> Go Saints

:) I would, and maybe should protect his name for whatever privacy reasons but I think his remarkable ego should be shared by all.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Self-Control is Key

Sometimes, or what would be the bigger truth, all of the time, I find it hard to control my opinions and hold myself back from acting on my feelings. Usually negative feelings.

It just appalls me to find such a selfish parent pointing their child to go down a one way lane to pretty much no where. You may say I don't understand the pressure, but trust me I can imagine.

While others are dreaming of high places, you're stuck pinned to the ground. I really try to find good things to think of her, some sort of asset she provides, any hope to channel a last string of positivity.

It's always turned up a lost cause.

There is nothing pleasant about the woman that I can admire her for or think kindly of her for.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Live your own life.

It's both irritating and disappointing to realize that people don't respect me at all, let alone respect my privacy. I simply don't understand why people can't carry on with their lives and leave other people out of their mouths. Frankly, I don't have enough time to meddle into your business nor does it really entertain me to do so.

My life is not lived to entertain you, that's what celebrities are for. My life is not some sort of ice-breaker so you can meet new friens or act as a conversation filler. Take notice of the consequences for your ten minutes of animated conversation.

Sometimes it's okay to keep your mouth shut. Sometimes it's the right thing to do.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Keep Calm and Carry On.

Has never been a recurring theme in my life.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It is obvious that I am no size 2 petite lady, so when I ran across this news report on inspiring fashion blogger and stylist Hayley Hughes' blog it really spoke to me. Click the link below:

and read Fashion Hayley

"My money is as good as anyone else's"
Yee! I'm fat, I like to indulge in good food and I love clothes. 'Nuff said.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Down with Chartwells.

Damn I want me some Takoyaki :) No one makes it better than Shikijye (here in Calgary anyway). I detest having to close and then open the next morning (even though we close at 3) seems like I only get a couple of hours to wind down before being forced to sleep at 9. Waking up at 4:30am is no fun walk in the park and I definitely do no enjoy the wait outside alone in the wee hours of the morning.

More about Chatwells tomorrow but from what I've gathered so far I am definitely not impressed with U of C's corrupted manner and sex slave to make big corporations happy. Big company walking all over the small guy is pretty much the story here.

Maybe you, Chartwells, should take it upon yourself to change up your catering service and make your food actually edible and lower your ridiculous prices to earn loyal customers instead of running them into a corner.

Your Tim Hortons and Upper Crust locations on campus I will no longer frequent, I would rather spend my money on the local and independent shops on campus.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010

Loving the fresh new start of 2010 :)

Enjoying my last week before a week's worth of work and unfortunately school that ensues. I accomplihed a lot during this break including breezing through Lady's Castle which I started watching whenever it came out and never got around to finishing it, I am horrid at being commited to dramas. Anyhow, Yoon Eun Hye is still hands down my favorite Korean actress of all time :) Her style, her down-to-earth and sincere attitude keeps me captivated to all of her dramas and I hope to see more of her in future dramas.
Look! She even personally bought shoes for all of the staff after Lady's Castle wrapped up :)
I also came across this 50 Things You can Learn from Korean Dramas on Soompi and was amused by some of the items listed :) I am easily amused, anything is better than flipping through the dreaded textbooks.